ФИАП организира конкурс за помош во изградбатана медицински центар за помош на жени и деца во регионот на Буркина Фасо.
Подолу е директното обраќање од ФИАП до ФСМ.
Dear Rudic
As you probably know FIAP has announced a competition under Patronage, with sections on the themes “Friendship & Solidarity” and “Free Theme”, deadline 19th February.
All proceeds of the Competition will be made over to the Non-Profit Organization “Un Raggio di Luce”, coordinated and directed by Paolo Carrara Pistoia,
for the realization in Burkina Faso of a care and medical help center for women and children of the region.
The upload of pictures and the payment, can be directly done on the FIAP Website.
Help us helping others with your participation, transform our dream of being able to help others in a wonderful reality.
Thank you
Riccardo Busi
FIAP President